Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Soul Catcher

Your feather touch has a blazing feeling
Everytime you touch me you set my world a blaze.

Your eyes as they look at me
I feel as if you are piercing my soul

I do not need to be near
to feel your heart beat

As time passes
As I get to know you better

I know I made the right choice
I know you are my one

You still blaze my world

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stone worker

The room that you are in the walls are so high I cannot climb them. Your stone walls are so thick the sun does not shine thru them. The winds of time has taken an effect on you that I have tried to unwind. The twined words of others has left you in this room. I am here I am not a climber. I will use this chisel to take down these walls. Annette I love you more and more as each day passes. These little stones at my feet , I will show you how I take care of them.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I just wanted to capture one heart
Just one heart !

I noticed you when you cracked a smile
I even told my self that I was your man.

I just wanted to capture your heart
Your man in the dark

The one you ran to when down
The one that you would want to talk to

I wanted to capture your heart
Just your heart
I know I can make promises
I know I can keep.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I know how to tell when you are in love now.
I thought in my past I knew what it was.

I thought the feelings I had before
Was what it was .

I have been wrong all along.
It is funny that we think we are right.

I know now I was wrong. I know now
I would die for the one I am in love with

I can feel her pain. I can feel what she feels.
I know when I have done something to hurt her.

I know now if it is not too late.
I know now to just relax

I know now how to just be
Let it grow on its own....

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Do you smell the beat ?

if it is not your scent
or the way your hair
falls over my hand

The way you smile when you see me

The rush you give me
The tingle I feel from your finger tips
Dig at my skin to electrify my body

The way I know I do not want to
take another
if you was not there

Breathless I would be
You have this over me

A bond
The very first bond
I do not want to break

You have me

Friday, March 26, 2010

My field of hearts

We fall alsleep holding eachother.
We fall like to love birds in flight.

I see you in my dreams
in your tower
So high almost out of reach

You there holding back
I see you

I can feel the warmth of your gaze.
I know your touch.
I have felt it before.

I know you are scared,
I want you to know I am too.

I wake up next to you ever morning
with butterflies dancing deep inside.
It is as if it was for the first time.

You have awakened something deep inside me.
When we kiss I can taste the universe on your lips
Tangy at first but always a sweet as if it was a candy
I cannot live without.

Were you a star, you'd be my sun.
Never too far, but always as one.

If you was a butterfly, than I would be your tree.
If ye was a horse , Your steed I would be.
Just to be able to run with you.

One look from your eyes, you carry me home,
A perfect peace I’ve never known.

You the only one I have ever known.
I would lay my life for.

Then I wished for you to never be alone.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I miss You

I was laying next to you this morning
Looking at your face remembering your smile
Hating to get up knowing I will miss you
Before I make the turn to leave the room
My heart crys for your touch
My body earns for your warm arms around me
With you by my side
I feel so safe
To hear your voice, makes my heart skip a beat
The little things you do to ,to make my life worthwhile
I miss you